How to parent like a Pro
You love your kids, obviously. But that doesn’t mean there haven’t been moments where you dreamed of falling into a canyon full of tiny little jagged rocks than have another conversation about why in fact ketchup does not constitute as an integral part of a meal plan, while simultaneously searching for a makeup kit that has become the tools for the newest fresco in the dining room.
Fear not, you will get through this. We have a certified list of how you to can function like an adult while multitasking with your pint-sized anarchists.
1) Set the alarm early
We’ve probably already lost you, but hear us out. You know you’re waking up in the morning one of two ways. You’re waking up on your own, or you’ve just gotten a knee to the face. You know the schedule. Set your alarm 20 minutes earlier than your expected alarm and the difference will change your life. Remember all the free time you used to have? This can exist again, briefly. Enjoy that almond milk latte, you’ve earned it.
2) Plan the night before
If there’s one thing that you learn as a parent, it’s the assumption of simple tasks. Like leaving the house. You learn this the first time it takes 4 hours to go to the Whole Foods around the corner. Spend 20 minutes the night prior to make sure that the jackets, gloves, and shoes are in specific areas that cannot be misplaced. Because they will be. Do not go gentle into that good night
3) Get a residential home cleaner
Seriously. You don’t know how the bathroom turned out like that, you don’t want to know how the bathroom turned out like that, and this way you’ll never have to.
4) Unplug
It can feel like you’re going from one screen to another during the day. Take 20 minutes to turn off the phone, close the computer and just enjoy the moment.
5) Day plan like never before
Buy a planner. Paper is nice. It’s always good to have tangible things to hold on to. Create a weekly map of what needs to get done. Schedule breaks, lunch dates, times to keep active, and most importantly quality time with you and your family.
Take these guaranteed steps towards a happy, sane existence with your family. Book a home cleaning in Vancouver, Calgary or Toronto to see how AspenClean can help you live your best life.