8 tips for keeping the holidays hygienic
With the holidays just around the corner, it’s time to prepare for cozy nights by the fireplace, festive family gatherings, and a clutter-free home ready to welcome loved ones. However, during the holiday season, it’s easy to make food preparation and cleaning mistakes that can lead to unpleasant surprises that linger well beyond the holidays. Follow these eight simple hygiene tips for a clean and safe holiday season, and ensure joyful and healthy festivities with your family.
To go a step further in ensuring your home is truly hygienic, it's also important to understand the difference between cleaning and disinfecting.
1. Wash Your Hands with Hot Water and Natural Soap
Sometimes, the simplest solutions are the most effective. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with hot water and natural soap before preparing meals. Soaps infused with essential oils help disinfect and nourish your skin, leaving your hands moisturized instead of dry. Skip the cold rinse - it won’t do much and will only increase your water bill.
2. Wash Your Tea Towels Regularly
Tea towels can become a breeding ground for bacteria in no time. To keep them hygienic and fresh, toss them in the washing machine after every few uses. Use AspenClean Natural, eco-friendly laundry detergent for a thorough clean that's gentle on the environment and tough on grime.
3. Avoid Thawing Meat on the Counter
Planning to cook meat this holiday season? Remember, never defrost meat at room temperature. Meat left out for just two hours enters the "danger zone," where bacteria multiply rapidly. Instead, thaw your meat safely in the refrigerator, in cold water, or (if necessary) in the microwave.

4. Skip Washing the Turkey
Yes, some people still do this - but it's unnecessary and risky. Washing a turkey removes very little bacteria and significantly increases the risk of cross-contamination, as juices can splatter onto your countertops and other surfaces. Instead, rely on proper cooking to kill any bacteria.
5. Clean Wooden Cutting Boards Immediately
When working with poultry, meat, or eggs, food particles can seep into the wood grain of your cutting board, creating a breeding ground for bacteria. As soon as you're finished, clean the board with hot, soapy water and follow up with AspenClean Natural Kitchen Cleaner to ensure a safe, spotless surface.
6. Check Multiple Areas with a Thermometer
Food often cooks unevenly, so it’s important to check the temperature in several spots. Use a reliable food thermometer to ensure every part of your meal has reached the safe cooking temperature, preventing undercooked food.

7. Store Leftovers Within Two Hours
After a delicious meal, it's tempting to relax - but don't forget to pack up your leftovers. Food left at room temperature for over two hours enters the danger zone, where bacteria start to multiply rapidly. Store your food promptly to keep it fresh and safe to eat.
8. Four-Day Window for Leftovers
Leftovers are a holiday highlight, but monitoring how long they stay in the fridge is essential. Although more slowly, harmful bacteria can still grow, so aim to consume leftovers within four days. If you can't finish them in time, store them in the freezer to keep them safe and fresh for later.
9. Natural Disinfectants for a Fresh Holiday Home
Tea tree oil and lavender are two of the best all-natural disinfectants for keeping your home fresh and clean this holiday season. AspenClean’s all-purpose cleaner is packed with natural disinfectants, is easy to store, and leaves your home smelling like happiness.
Happy Holidays from AspenClean
We wish you a joyful holiday season!
For more expert tips on how to clean your home with our eco-friendly products, check out our blog for the latest updates.