Post-party Green Cleaning checklist
The holidays are often filled with quality time spent with family and friends. Parties and celebrations fill up the calendar. Memories are made, and you get to celebrate the end of another year with the people you care most about. You even know all the tips for keeping the festivities hygienic.
So it's all very fun and games, until you take a look around the room and see the aftermath of the festivities. How on earth are you going to tackle this monster of a cleaning job (even if you decluttered your house before the Holiday)? Luckily, we made it easy for you, and prepared a step-by-step guide to manage your post-party cleaning session.
Green Cleaning Checklist - what you need to clean up after a party
When you are cleaning your home after a party, it's important to make sure you don't bring harmful chemicals into the home. When gathering your tools, look for all-natural and eco-friendly products.
- All-Purpose Cleaner
- Kitchen Cleaner
- Bathroom Cleaning Products
- Floor Cleaner
- Dish Soap
- Dishwasher Pods
- Microfiber Cloths
- Brushes, sponges, scrubbers
- Laundry Detergent and possibly Oxygen Bleach

Here are the suggested steps you should take to clean and sanitize the main party room.
- Open the windows and let some fresh air in. Your home can get stuffy quicker than you think!
- Bring all plates, glasses, cutlery, pans etc. into the kitchen. Save whatever left-overs you can for the week ahead, and drain whatever is left into the sink or trash
- Rinse the dirty dishes in the sink and try to fit as many of them as you can into the dishwasher
- Run a load using a non-toxic dish-washing pack or powder
- If anything needs extra attention, leave it to soak in warm water with some all-natural dish soap
- Collect all rubbish left on the table and floor - crumpled napkins, red cups, candy wrappers, etc.
- Take off the tablecloth, if you used one. If it’s badly stained, pre-treat the stains appropriately with some all-natural laundry detergent, then throw it in the washing machine
- Vacuum the floor, including the carpets and surfaces underneath the furniture (dining table and chairs, couch,…)
- Inspect floor stains and remove them with a non-toxic Floor Cleaner and a microfiber mop
- Dust all surfaces with a microfiber cloth

We recommend the following to get your kitchen back to normal standards.
- Collect all empty bottles, cans, and packaging and put them into the appropriate recycling container
- Collect and dispose of all the trash
- Hand-wash fragile glasses like red wine glasses or champagne flutes as well as everything that wouldn’t fit into the dishwasher with some all-natural, eco-friendly dish soap
- Wipe the countertops and stovetop using Kitchen Cleaner and Cloth. If certain stains need extra help, sprinkle Scouring Powder and leave it on for 10 minutes, then wipe clean. If you were baking anything, clean the inside of the oven to get rid of grease splatters and drips
- Vacuum the floor. If there are any stains, remove them with a mop using some Kitchen Cleaner or Floor Cleaner.
- Collect all the rubbish and recycling and drop them at your garbage disposal area
The bathroom will need to get a deep clean and sanitization, as it has been one of the busiest rooms.
- Change the towels and put used ones into the washing machine
- Clean the sink, counters and toilet using Bathroom Cleaner and Cloth
- If you had overnight guests, remove any toiletries you’ve left out for them and put them away for the next guest
- Wash the floor mats, or at least shake them out
- Vacuum the floor, or if needed, mop it with Floor Cleaner
You more than likely had friends and family stay the night. To get your bedrooms ready for the new guests, we recommend the following:
- Take off the sheets, throw them in the washing machine and put on new ones
- Empty trash cans and replace with a new trash bag
- Wipe or dust the bed-side tables using All-Purpose Cleaner and Cloth
- Vacuum the floor/carpet, and mop it with Floor Cleaner if needed
- Open the windows for at least ten minutes
On the other hand, you can also let the AspenClean team take care of the cleaning. After all, you deserve to rest and relax after a long night!